Sunday, August 9, 2015

Fabulous Flowers

Greer has had so much rain this summer that locals say it is the greenest they've seen it.  It truly is lovely here and wildflowers of every color are making a grand show.  I love the intricate design of every flower.  I would show you a photo of my first rose that bloomed that I planted this spring, but it never had a photo opportunity.  As I leaned down to ooh and aah over the pure white petals, Zella, the now 30 pound lab puppy, pounced and ripped it off the stem.  Today, on our walk she attacked a big fuzzy dandelion and wasn't as happy to have a mouth full of fuzz as she appeared with my rose petals.  And I thought I was going to have to be concerned about all the wild critters eating my flowers...oh, wait...a 3 month old puppy named Zella is a wild critter!

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