Friday, January 15, 2016


Some friends who stayed with us at the lodge asked what our biggest surprise was over our first year of owning and operating the lodge.  Not sure about the biggest, but here is a list:

  • the propane bill, especially in the winter
  • the number of people who ring our doorbell and assume they are at the right place because their gps said "you have arrived"
  • the number of people who call us looking for another lodge 
  • how long it takes to get any repair or construction done up here
  • people who want a "cheap" place in Greer
  • how many elk Jim has encountered hiking, how many elk or deer have been in our yard, and how much they poop
  • the puppy Lyn brought home and now is Jim's exercise buddy
  • how fast our first year went
So far in this new year the biggest surprises are how much it is snowing, icicles up to 4 feet long, and how much fun our dog has playing in the snow.

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