Thursday, April 16, 2015

Training Paid Off!

When I was little my mom would give me a paintbrush and a pail of water and I would go outside and paint everything.  It really made things look renewed, especially the red box housing the fire hose.  Now that we've taken over a lodge with all things wood outside, I find myself grabbing a brush and a can of stain or paint, because absolutely everything needs renewing (after sanding).  So far I've renewed the double bench swing, a couple of porch chairs and uncovered a table that had been covered over the years with three layers of cloth and vinyl.  Underneath was beautiful wood, so I sanded and stained it!  We ordered some new cedar log patio furniture and a swing that needed staining and it's almost finished.  Next will be all the log rails/posts on the patios and then the entire lodge siding.  It may take me all summer or longer, but that's ok because I like to paint.  Thanks Mom!

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