Sanding wooden posts for most of the day taught me a lot of both practical and profound lessons.
First the practical:
- Hold on tight. It may be little, but it's powerful.
- Try to keep the sawdust exhaust pointed away from your face unless you like the powdered bronzer look
- Blink a lot
- Keep your mouth closed unless you want to increase your natural fiber intake
- Don't drop it in the dirt. The dust devil effect is kind of cool but all the dirt and rocks hitting you at the speed of a tornado hurts.
- If you wear layers, you can strip off the completely dust caked outer one before going inside
- Stripping off layers of the old leaves the newly exposed layer vulnerable unless soon coated with a protective layer. Just as I will put a layer of stain over all the newly sanded wood to protect it from the elements destroying it, we must have the protection of the Holy Spirit, the covering of Christ to keep us from being destroyed by the devil and this world.
- If wood could talk, it would not be happy about being sanded, but afterwards it's ready to be nourished with new oil, soaking into the grain and revealing inner beauty. Being shaped into a man or woman of God is often painful, but the process and the result yields great beauty.
- It's rewarding and pleasurable to look at the finished product of your labor. God is at work in each of us and He takes great pleasure as we become more like Christ.
- If I can have joy looking at newly sanded and stained wood, can you fathom the joy in heaven when all His children are perfected? It's gonna be so beautiful.
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