Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wood and Lots of it!

New flooring is going in up at the lodge.  Wish I could be there to hear that saw going and breathe that wonderful smell of wood! 
Last weekend Jim and I were up at the lodge to move all the stored furniture/artwork, etc. back in.  I worked on touching up paint.  Two of the three colors worked beautifully, but unfortunately one color was a different tone, so all of those walls will have to be completely repainted.  ARG.  The guys tracked in dirt on my freshly cleaned carpets upstairs and nicked walls, guessed it....ARG.
Jim did a quick turn around trip this week to meet with the installer for phone service and internet. He needed to make sure his Honeywell computer was going to be able to connect as that kind of makes or breaks the telecommuting deal.  
I've been a packin' maniac.  Jim was looking for the three hole punch last night, but it was already packed.  Then he asked about something else....packed.  Basically, if it can't be found, it's packed. We've already stuffed three loads into vehicles on trips up the mountain.  Every time Jim gets home from work there are more boxes ready to go, and less stuff that he may need.  The truck is rented and we are heading out on Saturday, Sept. 20th!