Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dumpster Diving and Quick Books

I bought some nice sturdy book boxes for Jim's antique collection of engineering books from school that he's not ready to part with yet.  I have to confess, that I too am a collector of books, mostly children's books, that will be lovingly read to future grandchildren or enjoyed by young guests at the lodge.  Realizing how many boxes would be needed to pack up the whole house, I began to inquire about free boxes.  Inquiring at places of business wasn't effective, so we just drove around back of a strip mall and raided the recycling bins and took as many as we could stuff into the car.  Next time I'll take the truck!
Today we had a meeting with our accountant to get us all set up to operate our business with Quick Books.  At some point during this training session I zoned out and had to tell myself that this was not overwhelming but was going to be great fun!  Thankfully, Jim was taking notes.

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