Sunday, December 14, 2014

Haberstock Herald 2014

My annual Christmas letter to family and friends was named many years ago as the Haberstock Herald to share the good news of what God has been doing in our family over the year.  2015 has been quite the eventful year for us!  
Nate and Kara celebrated their first anniversary.  Kara really enjoys her work as lab coordinator and data mapping specialist at UofA (go Wildcats!) while Nate is overstimulated with information as a second year medical student. 
Lauren is stateside this school year at Pepperdine, having spent an entire year in Heidelberg, Germany.  Jim and I flew to Germany in April, trekking from Berlin to Prague to Heidelberg to meet up with Lauren at the end of her year. The 3 of us went up to Cologne and then over to the southern tip of the Netherlands to the lovely little village of Margraten where we visited the gravesite of Lyn's Uncle Robert where he was buried after his death in World War II.  We then sampled waffles in Belgium, traveled through Luxemburg so Jim could cross that off his bucket list, then boarded a plane in Switzerland headed to Malaga, Spain where we spent four wonderful days with friends who are missionaries.  We spent Easter celebrating the resurrection of Jesus in the rain in an outdoor amphitheater, singing the English version of songs we recognized. From Spain it was back to Switzerland and up to Frankfurt to put Lauren on her flight home. We stopped in Wittenburg to tour Martin Luther's home and visit the church he posted his theses on the door, putting a spark to the Protestant Revolution before catching our flight in Berlin.
June began a process that has us in major transition.  After months of prayer, dreams, hopes, applications for commercial real estate loans, lots of no's and naysayers, we are the new owners of the White Mountain Lodge in Greer, AZ.  In the last 45 days we have sold our Phoenix home, Lyn resigned from her workplace, we have been back and forth to Greer to tear out carpeting, paint, oversee wood flooring installation, shampoo carpets, and begin to learn about reservation systems and Quickbooks, sorted through 25 years of stuff  to pack or sell, and held a yard sale.  We move Dec. 20th.  We will begin running the lodge as just lodging, but after a kitchen remodel to bring it up to date and to code with health standards we plan to make it an official bed and breakfast.  Jim will be telecommuting with Honeywell while Lyn manages the lodge. There is a lot of work to be done, but we are excited about this opportunity we've been given.  Please pray as we come to your mind that all licenses we need are approved, that we learn the "business" stuff quickly, and most of all that we enjoy what the Lord has entrusted to us and give Him glory.  

All our contact info is changing!  Our mailing address is now P.O. Box 123, Greer, AZ  85927 while our physical address is 140 Main Street, #7, Greer, AZ  85927.  New telephone numbers are Jim: 928-751-8172; Lyn: 928-751-8197  
Personal emails are:,,
Our business website is and e-mail is

May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas, rejoicing in Emmanuel, God with Us!  We are thankful for the love of family and circles of friends from every stage of our lives at this wonderful time of the year and hope you all have dreams come true!  

With our love,
Jim and Lyn

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wood and Lots of it!

New flooring is going in up at the lodge.  Wish I could be there to hear that saw going and breathe that wonderful smell of wood! 
Last weekend Jim and I were up at the lodge to move all the stored furniture/artwork, etc. back in.  I worked on touching up paint.  Two of the three colors worked beautifully, but unfortunately one color was a different tone, so all of those walls will have to be completely repainted.  ARG.  The guys tracked in dirt on my freshly cleaned carpets upstairs and nicked walls, guessed it....ARG.
Jim did a quick turn around trip this week to meet with the installer for phone service and internet. He needed to make sure his Honeywell computer was going to be able to connect as that kind of makes or breaks the telecommuting deal.  
I've been a packin' maniac.  Jim was looking for the three hole punch last night, but it was already packed.  Then he asked about something else....packed.  Basically, if it can't be found, it's packed. We've already stuffed three loads into vehicles on trips up the mountain.  Every time Jim gets home from work there are more boxes ready to go, and less stuff that he may need.  The truck is rented and we are heading out on Saturday, Sept. 20th! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dumpster Diving and Quick Books

I bought some nice sturdy book boxes for Jim's antique collection of engineering books from school that he's not ready to part with yet.  I have to confess, that I too am a collector of books, mostly children's books, that will be lovingly read to future grandchildren or enjoyed by young guests at the lodge.  Realizing how many boxes would be needed to pack up the whole house, I began to inquire about free boxes.  Inquiring at places of business wasn't effective, so we just drove around back of a strip mall and raided the recycling bins and took as many as we could stuff into the car.  Next time I'll take the truck!
Today we had a meeting with our accountant to get us all set up to operate our business with Quick Books.  At some point during this training session I zoned out and had to tell myself that this was not overwhelming but was going to be great fun!  Thankfully, Jim was taking notes.

No Diamonds....I'll take a truck!

I've never been a huge jewelry wearer because I forget to put it on!  I have some special things given me by loved ones and a few accessory pieces for outfits that I try to remember to wear now and then. So what does a husband buy his bride for their 25th anniversary!  I wanted a TRUCK!!!  So, instead of heading for a jewelry store, we scoured online sites, stopped at a couple of dealerships and bought a gorgeous red truck to have in Greer.  It's something we'll both use and enjoy.  We will commission it this weekend to haul packed boxes.  He would have gotten off cheaper if he'd just bought me a diamond, but I think he's OK with the truck!!!

Entering the 21st Century

After surviving all these years without cell phones, Jim and I had to concede that we would have to break out of our old-fashioned mode to run a business.  So, we now each have a smart phone, which neither of us could operate until we got together with our kids over Thanksgiving.  Thanks to Kara and Lauren for all the help!  Now, I just need to remember to turn it on and keep it with me!