Saturday, September 19, 2015

On the Roof

One of the many projects on my to-do list at the lodge is sanding down and staining the weathered wood.  This week I got up on the roof and spent two days sanding the wood on the second floor and one day staining and washing windows, since I was already up there.  Day two it got pretty windy and when I decided I needed a break to use the facilities, get a snack and fluids, I discovered my ladder had blown over. Jim was in the office downstairs on the opposite side of where I was working and the wind just carried my voice away.  I tried calling the response.  I wondered if I could jump down on the lawn without breaking anything and decided not to try.
When you are stuck on a roof you think about a lot of things....will my bladder hold out?...should I put Poise pads on my shopping list for roof work?...I wonder if we have to pee in heaven or maybe we just can go any place we want to, like my puppy or maybe it just won't matter...maybe I need to put a message on Jim's phone to check on his wife hourly when she's on the, what a great view up here...I should come up here more often...great clouds...the tops of the trees are beginning to change color... The Lord had mercy on me, my bladder held out, and I went back to work until Jim came out and noticed the ladder down.
The next roof outing I took up a bucket with a bottle of iced water and my cell phone.  This time, I could call Jim and if all else failed I had a bucket.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2015 Greer Boat Races

An overcast day, the rain held back for the Great Greer Boat Races.  A nice crowd of residents and visitors gathered to watch the heats go down the river, cheering when the winners were announced. Michael had his hot dog cart fired up and they tasted great.  It was a festive atmosphere and a fun way to spend a Saturday morning.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Help...I'm Stuck!

Zella could smell the sweet fragrance of the strawberry protein shake and really wanted to lick every powdery remnant in the empty canister.  But what can squeeze in didn't want to come off.  Jim and I were laughing hysterically as Zella began to panic, running around bumping into things.  I grabbed her and Jim tried to work the container off her head to no avail.  After retrieving some cutters from the toolbox, I held her as still as I could while Jim cut the container open to get her head out.  She's growing so fast...this pic was 2 months, at her 4 month appt. she weighed in at 40 pounds. No chance of getting her head stuck least in this size container!

Showers Bring Flowers

The rain has been abundant this summer, bringing bright spots of color all over the meadows.  Even the weeds have beautiful flowers, which is a nice thing since there are so many of them.  This bright, purple thistle makes me smile, remembering childhood stories of Winnie the Pooh and friends.  Even downcast Eeyore brightened at the sight of thistles.  The variety of plants and flowers, all unique, shouts to the glory of our great God, creator of everything.