Saturday, January 17, 2015

Feeding the Flock

We bought some seed for the bird house and the word is out!  There's quite the pecking order going on.  Four blue mountain jays I call the beautiful bullies.  They swoop in and all the little finches fly up into the trees, waiting for their turn.  Yesterday I saw several big crows at the feeder.  There's one brave little finch who sits on a lower branch and hops down to grab some seed on the perimeter until one of the bullies notices and shoos him back up.  I find myself admiring the courage, and perseverance and rooting for him.  Then I wonder if his bird brain is all there or if he's undergoing some bird club initiation.  I prefer to think of him as going against the flock, quietly standing up to the bullies, not following the pecking order.

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