Monday, February 27, 2017

Wacky Winter

Our winter has been on and off this year.  One storm had Jim blowing snow for 9 hours and the snow stuck around for a couple of weeks. Most of our snowfall, however, has been here today and gone tomorrow.

Much of our forecast snow for Greer, this season has skirted around us, but the ski resort has had fabulous snowfall and our guests have really enjoyed skiing, snowboarding, tubing and even taking a horse drawn sleigh ride.

The wind is howling and we are supposed to get some serious snow tonight.  It's always delightful to get up in the morning and see a fresh blanket of snow covering everything.  Of course, I get to enjoy it from inside with a hot cup of coffee in hand.  Jim, on the other hand, may be out shoveling walkways and blowing the parking lot.  Maybe it's not as delightful for him.  Our black lab, Zella, absolutely loves the snow.  It's her favorite time of year!  I hope winter sticks around a bit longer.