Thursday, May 19, 2016

May Teasing

Having lived in the desert most of my life, I am not used to such fluctuating weather in the mountains.  My desert wardrobe consisted of more sandals than closed shoes, more short sleeves than long, shorts, capris, skirts and summery dresses.  In the past year I have worn sandals only a few times, short sleeves/skirts or dresses rarely, and no shorts/capris.  Only when I head for the desert for a few days are these items used.
We had some promising days in the 60's, but then nature laughed and gave us snow and hail in mid May.  While our Phoenician friends have their air conditioners going, we are still running the heat.  I am beginning to think that I will be giving away a chunk of my clothing that I may never wear again, but I am holding out to see if it warms up enough and if I have acclimated enough to put them on this summer.  For now, I am layered in winter clothing, hoping that the weather will stop teasing.