Friday, October 23, 2015

Wild Weather

The morning of October 21st we awoke to a thick frost that made it look as if we'd had our first snow. We had guests who went out before breakfast and came back delighted over the beauty of the morning sun glistening and glimmering on the frost coated world.  The sun came out and melted all the frost.  Clouds began to roll in and it began to rain.  Then another guest called out "that's snow"! Everyone ran to a window and sure enough the rain had turned to big flakes of snow and the wind began to blow fiercely making the snow nearly horizontal. As quickly as it came it went and the clouds parted to let the sun shine down on a washed world.  I just love living in Greer!

Yummy Stuff

I must confess that I haven't done much baking since my girls got old enough to take over.  They both love creating delicious things to eat.  They loved to bake treats for friends having birthdays or just try something that looked good on the internet.  After they both left home, Jim and I were having protein shakes for breakfast and I wasn't baking much of anything.
Now that we provide breakfast for our guests, I am really loving the internet.  One of the standard breakfast buffet items is homemade granola.  I wanted a yummy fall offering, so found one called Pumpkin Maple Pecan Granola, and it lives up to its name.  I had a bunch of leftover bananas and some applesauce I bought for a conference group breakfast and with a click on google, made a batch of delicious banana oatmeal walnut muffins using applesauce.  I'm whipping up egg casseroles and creations and having a fun time of it.  It's a joy to have guests ooh and aah over the buffet offered and then enjoy eating and talking with other guests or Jim and me.  We will be on Trip Advisor and Airbnb soon, which is exciting to get us out there for people to find.  We may have a busy winter with all the snow predicted with people coming to ski, sled and play in the snow or just enjoy the snow from inside with a warm cup of tea or cocoa and a nice fire.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Bed AND BREAKFAST kickoff!

It's official!  We will begin serving breakfast for our guests beginning the weekend of October 17.
It's taken much longer than anticipated to renovate the kitchen and work on a new website, but as our neighbors in Greer tell us, "Get used to mountain time."  We will be serving a hearty homemade breakfast, so come on up and stay with us!

Poop Day

Don't know what the birds have gotten into, but we had an explosion of poop all over the patio railings and porches.  Murphy's oil soap to the rescue.  Wiped and mopped up bird poop and spider poop.  And since I was in the poop business I cleaned up all the dog poop in Zella's yard.  Some days are just poopy.