Sunday, November 30, 2014

25 Years Later

In 1989, Jim and I bought our first house and started some major remodel projects.  25 years later, we just bought our second "house" and have begun some major remodeling projects.  The seed for this purchase began one night after the kids were to bed and I asked, "What do you think we'll do after the kids are grown and gone?" "Let's run a bed and breakfast", Jim responded.  I thought he was kidding, but playing along, I chimed in, "Sure, let's do it"!
Our favorite place in Arizona is Greer, in the beautiful White Mountains.  While spending a cool summer weekend in the pines we noticed the White Mountain Lodge was for sale.  Just for fun we decided to take a look.  That look turned into prayer, seeking counsel from the Lord and trusted friends, conversation with Jim's boss for permission to telecommute, hours of phone calls and applications to banks and private lenders for a corporate real estate loan to run a bed and breakfast, and waiting.  Every application was turned down.  It seemed as if the dream was to be put to bed.  It was at the moment of surrender when all was awakened.  No buyer came forward, the lodge was foreclosed, the bank was now a reluctant owner and was willing to extend us a loan.
In a month's time we became the owners of the White Mountain Lodge, put our home of 25 years up for sale, and Lyn left her job to start the moving process and the learning process of what we're getting ourselves into!